American Kennel Club
Quick Reference Guide & Virtual Sets
Quick Reference Guide to
Revised 12-24.
Now with jump height tables for the high/bar jump and the broad jump for Regular, Preferred and
3/4 heights.
Includes all 10 AKC Regular, Preferred and Optional titling classes.
Color Coded margins by class and Condensed for easy and quick reference to class descriptions, exercise orders, handler instructions for each exercise, Judge's orders and sample score sheets with non-qualifying and qualifying point deductions. Heavy duty 5 mil laminated and spiral bond 5 X 9 book, 34 total pages.
Includes Free USPS Shipping.
Click on product to view details.

For Beginner (BN-V) and Novice (CD-V) Levels.
AKC Virtual Obedience Test Program is now permanent, earn your BN-V & CD-V Titles virtually.
This set includes all 20 signs (including duplicates) for all 10 COURSES in the AKC Obedience Virtual Test Program. Combo Set includes 20 signs with enhanced Sign Font and Graphics (larger print and symbols), plus a full size laminated spinal bond Booklet with all 10 course maps (5 for BN & 5 for CD), laminated cardstock Station numbers 1-6 (enough for both levels).
Signs are heavy duty color printed on Bright White 24lb. paper and backed with 110 lb. cardstock (134 lb total) and 3 Mil Laminated. Guides & numbers are laminated as well.
Complete Guidelines for the Virtual Program can be found at
Price includes USPS Priority Mail Shipping.
Videos that I submitted of my dogs