Painting by Sir E. Landseer, first exhibited 1838 ‘A distinguished member of the humane society'
The Landseer European Continental Type (ECT) is a European dog breed that comes from a type of giant dog discovered in the north-east of North America during colonial times. Because of their good swimming skills these dogs were utilized by fishermen to tow nets to the shore. They were also noted for their ability to help drowning people. Therefore these dogs were bought and sold mainly by European fishermen. It is believed that by in large the exportation of these dogs occurred during the late 1700s. However, paintings show us that these dogs must have already existed in England in the early 1700s.
Because of their impressive appearance they were the subject of numerous books and paintings. The most famous painting of this large white and black dog is a portrait called "A Distinguished Member of Humane Society" done by the renowned English animal painter Sir Edwin Landseer in 1838. In fact the subject matter of many of Sir Landseer’s paintings focused on these dogs. The breed was eventually named in his honor.
Breed History
Country of origin: Germany / Switzerland
Parent breed club (Germany): Deutscher Landseer Club (DLC)
Unlike most of dog breeds verifying the true origins of the Landseer is left to speculation of the
past. His starting point came from the primitive Newfoundlander.It was a large black long haired
dog found on the islands of Newfoundland in the mid 1700 hundreds by the French and English. The dog was often referred to as ST Johns Water Dog.Small numbers of those dogs were brought back to the homeland of England and the French brought them to Europe. Whether amongst them were any black and white dogs is a mystery and it is pure speculation that there was also an ancient white long haired dog on the island.These dogs brought to Europe were bred with the primitive Newfoundland.The offspring they produced appeared to be less heavily built than the original black Newfoundland dogs and most importantly their coats were white with black markings.They were companions to fishermen towing their nets and were displayed by the sides of aristocrats in England. The white and black dogs became immensely popular and the breeding of the black Newfoundland almost became non existent. Most assuredly one these beautiful black and white dogs was so admired by the famous British animal painter Sir Edwin Landseer, he used them as subjects of many of his paintings.One of the dogs was named Bob who is subject of the painting A Distinguished Member of the Humane Society.Because of the painters name the black and white dogs came to be known as Landseer in the 1830s.
Not too many years had passed and the English lost interest in the Landseer dogs and the breeding of the black Newfoundland resumed.Only a few true fanciers of the Landseer in the world wished to preserve the Landseer and they were those from Germany and Switzerland. They had only small numbers to work with so they crossed with the Newfoundland, Saint Bernard and Kuvasz.The numbers they produced are unknown but with the break out of WW1 and WW2 the breed dog Landseer nearly fell to the ruins of history,. In the 1950 some German Breeders were able to restore the breed to what we know today.It was then that strife came between the Landseer and Newfoundland fanciers. We need to take a moment to thank Breeders like Otto Waterspeil and Emil Burkhard who bred beautiful Landseers from black and white Newfoundland and Great Pyrenees.They rose above the controversy to get the Landseer recognized by the FCI in 1960. In 1976 the first official Landseer club was born in Germany, the Deutscher Landseer Club.They are an association of breeders,owners and friends of the Landseer. They have very strict breeding policy which includes health clearances and inspection of every puppy born not only by a vet but by their breed warden. For close to 45 years the DLC has maintained excellent records of breeding and litters produced. Soon after the development of of the DLC e.V. Landseer clubs began throughout Europe. Some are in existence today as the breed gains more popularity
US History
So now the new chapter in Landseer History for the United States with a
Tribute to Our First Landseer Import KODIAK
and First Breeding Kennel PACIFIC COAST LANDSEER

Recorded history was first documented in the OFA file for a ECT Landseer named Fannie January 1996. Her entry did not list a kennel name or place of origin thus unconfirmed data. Accurate and confirmed data is presented by Tim and Laura Heffernan of Indianapolis Indiana. They imported their first ECT from the Netherlands in March of 2001. He was born January 2001 Kodak van de Drunese Heide. His parents were both from the Netherlands, sire Enrico vonden Almequellen, dam Aisha van Yaromirha.
It would be remiss to continue on the next decade without the mention of the Deutscher Landseer Club (DLC) of Germany. Established in1976 the DLC is the oldest of all Landseer Clubs. They have 43 years maintained accurate records of all matings and litters produced within their club. The DLC certifies every dog prior to being bred ,insuring it has passed its required genetic screenings as well as hip, elbow and shoulder xrays. Each pedigree is examined to insure lineage as well as to to be sure the mating will not result in the litter being more than 3.5% inbred. The DLC inspects each puppy of all litter prior to issuing pups registration and certified pedigree.
A DLC member Thomas Knott and family migrated from Germany to Seal Rock Oregon in 2008. Thomas brought with him two Landseer ECT and soon imported another. Thomas’s dogs came from strong Champion European bloodlines. He started the first Landseer ECT breeding kennel in the US, Pacific Coast Landseers. Their first litter whelped February 2009.
The following 9 years Pacific Coast imported approximately 8 dogs from Belgian and Germany. Pacific Coast produced 15 litters resulting in 92 live births. Their final litter was born in Seal Rock March 2018. At all times Pacific Coast maintained their close relationship with the DLC and all litters were produced under the strict rules of compliance of the club.
A little over a year later Northwest Landseer produced their
first litter with their foundation bitch Kelsey of the Pacific Coast
adding 6 more ECT to the population of Landseer in the US.
A verbal request for appeal to the AKC was presented to the head of the FSS program in November of 2018. Shortly thereafter a facebook page was formed with a group of dedicated ECT owners. From that time until the early part of March a appeal and factual presentation was presented to the FSS to allow us entry in to the FSS, the first step toward full AKC compliance and becoming a recognized breed and licensed National Club. As the facebook page grew attracting more US owners it is now estimated we have approximately 115 ECT in the US.
It is important to mention that during the fact finding mission in relentless pursuit to proof we are a breed unto our self it was learned that Wisdom Health has proven just that with genetic markers and research through European Landseers of Germany Switzerland and Finland to name a few. This is a big breakthrough for our breed here in the US.
Historical Landseers and their owners.
Cursor over photo for information.

General George Custer Civil War time

American documentary film maker and his dog Cabot died in 1931 while filming on the ship the Viking in the Dominion of Newfoundland. All members of the film crew also drowned when the ship sank.

General George Custer Civil War time