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Rally Sign Holders

I don't sell sign holders but you make them yourself.

Make your own sign holders

*You can use soccer cones and make a cut in the front of the cone to hold the sign.

*You can also use Velcro or bungees to hold the sign in place.

*Sewer pipe (large PVC pipe) cut be cut into sections about 6" high and cut a groove in the front of the pipe to hold the sign)

 I make my own out of garden edge fencing.  Home Depot and Lowes usually has these in stock.  Different styles.  These usually come in lengths with multiple panels that can be cut into separate holders.

So, it is fairly inexpensive to make a full set.

Be aware that when cutting the wire that there may be sharp edges remaining-so cut very close and file them smooth.

DIY Rally Sign Holders
DIY Rally Sign Holders

Black Garden fencing
from Home Depot

DIY Rally Sign Holders
DIY Rally Sign Holders
DIY Rally Sign Holders

I used left over pieces to make free standing holders with stakes

DIY Rally Sign Holders

A different style of fencing that could be used.

DIY Rally Sign Holders
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